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The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 … Are there just random numbers? Probably yes for a layman, but not for a scientific mind. Yes, this is the Fibonacci series. Being the nature’s numbering system, it is a very popular mathematical sequence that finds its prominent place in fields like science, architecture, computers, etc. But not many know how this is useful in those fields. Leonardo Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician, known for his genius in the area of math was the one who discovered the Fibonacci series. 
We observe many things around us. Flowers, honey combs, trees, etc. Have you ever asked yourself why those are only in that fashion? It’s not a wonder why math has surrounded us. The Fibonacci pattern can be seen in many places around us. That’s not it. We can apply another operation to the numbers in this sequence. Divide every number starting from 2 with its preceding number. As we proceed further, the quotient gets closer to 1.618033… This quotient is called “The Golden Ratio”. Phi or The Golden Ratio is what the nature has formed for itself.
Let’s see a few aspects of this magical sequence.

Fibonacci in Architecture and Geometry:  Ever noticed the values of sides of a right angle triangle with integer sides? The hypotenuses of all the right angled triangles belong to the Fibonacci series.
All the historical monuments have their walls built in the Golden Ratio. It can also be used to create patterns for building structures. For example, the base of the building can have 89 bricks and its above level can accommodate 54 bricks. This will have maximum stability.

The Pascal's Triangle

Fibonacci in nature: Did you observe the base that supports the petals of flower? It is a beautiful sight. And it’s even amazing to know that all the seeds in that base are arranged according to the Fibonacci pattern i.e., all the levels of the base contain number of seeds corresponding to the series as we progress to a higher level.
The number of petals in a flower is fixed. It depends on what type of flower it is. Whatever it might be, nature is nature. It grows the flowers all the time to keep the number of petals as one of the Fibonacci number! This is a fact. We have flowers with one petal – White Lily, two petals – Euphorbia, three petals - Trillium... twenty one petals – Shasta Daisy … and the list goes on.
One complete helical structure of DNA, the most basic element of a human life, has a length of 34 angstroms and width of 21 angstroms. These are in-turn the numbers in Fibonacci sequence.
The parts of human body are in proportion such that the ratio of the sizes results in the Golden Ratio. This was explained by Leonardo Da Vinci through his painting called The Vitruvian Man.

Some examples of The Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci in the universe: How did the spirals generate? I mean, a never ending not-totally-a-circular object which looks like a mosquito coil. Squares of area of the Fibonacci numbers are placed side-by-side. Every square is connected by a curve which covers a quarter of a circle in every square. This curve emerges out of every square and enters into larger squares resulting in the ultimate spiral structure.
Once we understand this, we can observe the same pattern in the spiral galaxies. When hurricanes occurred, and when they were captured from the satellite camera, it amazed everyone as they resembled the spiral I described above. This spiral structure is used in the construction of spiral stair-cases in buildings.  
The Golden Triangle, The Golden Rectangle, the pentagram, honey combs, shells of a snail, the human ear and nose, growth of few plants and flowers in the spiral, arrangement of leaves of a plant at every level, the pattern on a wing of a dragon-fly, etc., are the very few examples we have observed till now in nature.

A Hurricane

This is one proof that science, math and nature are very much connected. Our universe is a wonder and learning about this wonder gives us immense knowledge. Here is the link of a small ted talk on Fibonacci numbers. To know more about it, visit the following link.

#Knowing #9D

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