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Social Crowd Funding

 If someone is in a need of huge amount of money either in case of emergency or for sake of higher studies & development or any, if it is in lakhs, it seems to be an impossible task. The contribution of hundreds by thousand people makes the task “I’m possible”. The lakhs of money is ready. Many billions of drops makes an ocean. Our help may be a drop in it but if not the ocean might be less of that missing drop.
To do this “e – Donation  SOCIAL CROWD FUNDING” is a ray of hope.  Crowd – Group; Funding – providing requirements for a social cause. This is a platform where one can donate to needy and even ask for help in need. To solve the problems in the society and to serve the people, this came into the scene.

Anyone can help others from anywhere in the world at any time. This is a form of global service where all the details of the donor, receiver and the cause are noted and the cause is served. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin are participating in this funding. Some of the websites which are specially working under this service are – ketto.org, bitgiving.com, rangde.org, orangestreet.in, milaap.org, wishberry.in.

In this service, the creative angle is given by Crowd funding. “Micro Credit Funding” belongs to this class. It is a kind of money-lending scheme without interest to people for a necessity. This does not allow deeds involving luxuries and comforts. Not only in financial form, the service can be anything sharing information, skill and technology for a right purpose which is achieved by “Social Crowd Sourcing”. On the whole, this is a process in which the one who wants to serve can do and the one in need finds the wish fulfilled. Two hands join other two, this multiplies to join the helping hands in unlimited number as a long chain reaching the very last person in this world to serve.

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