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5 things I want to do in my 20s

Crossed childhood.. Been through the troubled teens.. Experienced adult teenage... Next up? Am I called 'Youth'? Entering the 20s of your life is probably the best thing anyone can ever dream of happening. This not-so-tender age is when we are in a transition period and a perfectly timed paradigm shift takes place provided you want to. Just like how a cocoon breaks out to give a beautiful butterfly. Those surfaced myths that held your fear high soak deep inside giving out the confident individual in you. Well, at least this is what I hope will happen to me in the coming years. 

Travel -
Bag packs.. Packed food.. Tents.. A good camera.. All the goodies needed to travel and of course the will to explore something new. Traveling is the best way to get connected with yourself and with the strangers you have around you. With an open mind to learn experiences for life, travel and learn life!

Read, read and read! -
Some great person told that books are a man's best friend. Books are undoubtedly the biggest treasure of knowledge and I want to master them. Lose myself in those pages, one book after another.. until I drop off. After reading so many, I wouldn't stop my mind from forming matured thoughts. I would love to articulate all of them into a book of my own. A book which I wrote :).

Learn something new for a lifetime -
There are few things our heart demands to do, a few things the world demands us to do. If that calls learning new computer languages or spoken languages like Spanish or French, learning to play an instrument or to do salsa... This is a never ending list from which I want to master at least one for a lifetime. 

Live alone -
Life starts from where we leave our comfort zone. Our parents have given us ample resources to comfort us without having the need to face the real world, where in reality this doesn't work. To face the situations outside we need to be a part of the reality. So living alone during this age is one of the best ways to incorporate world competency.

Earn while learn -
Students studying in foreign universities make a living of their own while studying. They face the real life challenges and pretty much learn how to multitask at a really early age. Isn't that really cool? With my career plans ahead, I wish to see myself studying and earning money at the same time so that I needn't depend on my parents for pocket money ;) .

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