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20 Shocking Scenes on Game of Thrones

WARNING: Everything you are gonna see, is a spoiler. 

Author: Shanmukha Kotha

20. Bran Stark's Fall from the tower

19. Shireen Baratheon burnt alive

18.Jamie Lannister's hand was cut

17. Crown for the king

16. Red Woman gives birth to shadow & it kills Renly Baratheon

15. Theon Greyjoy tortured & ......

14. Sansa Stark raped by Ramsay Bolton

13. Arya slews Meryn Trent

12. Bran Stark can control people & see past and future

11. Jon Snow killing a White Walker with his sword

10. Tyrion Lannister kills his father and lover

9. Khaleesi becomes Queen of the Unsullied

8. Wildfire at the Battle of Black Waters

7. Tyrion demands a trial by combat

6. Danaerys becomes Mother of Dragons

5. Beheading of Ned Stark

4. Joffrey dies at the Purple Wedding

3. Oberyn's death in the trial by combat

2. Stark family slaughtered at the Red Wedding

1. Death of Jon Snow

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